Children’s Day at VMFA! May 5th

Children’s Day at VMFA!May 5, 202410am-5pm | Samurai Armor from the Collection of Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller In honor of the Japanese holiday Children’s Day, or Kodomo no hi, VMFA is pleased to offer free admission to children ages 17 and under to the exhibition Samurai Armor from the … [Read More...]

Junior Book & Author @ CMoR on March 8

Calling all young readers: Don’t miss the Junior League of Richmond’s 10th Junior Book & Author event March 8th! In 2004, the Junior League of Richmond established the Junior Book & Author program, a literary event held in various local schools for young adults in grades 4-8. Now … [Read More...]

“Towers of Tomorrow with LEGO® Bricks” rises within the Science Museum of Virginia.

SLM Lego shoot. 29/9/2014 Picture James Horan "Towers of Tomorrow with LEGO Bricks" features scaled replicas of 20 iconic skyscrapers hailing from North America, Asia and Australia, and the interactive touring exhibition spotlights a breathtaking array of architectural wonders and world-renowned … [Read More...]


Camp Fairs can be a great way to learn more about what an organization has to offer. Here are two worth checking out! February 9 RFM Summer Camp & Activities Expo. 1pm-4pm. Science Museum of Virginia’s Dewey Gottwald Center. A free event to visit with and gather information from area day … [Read More...]

Over 12 Great Sledding Spots in RVA!

Are you looking for a spot to enjoy the snow?  Here is a list of some of the best sledding spots in the Richmond area. The rules change often so confirm details before you take the kids. Send us an email if you know of a spot that is missing   Have fun, stay warm, … [Read More...]

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